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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Johan Beukes Radio Pulpit Interview

If you would like to listen to my Radio Pulpit Interview send an email to

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thanks to all those who took/take the FIRST STEP (BEFORE 30 SEPT) in PAYING IT FORWARD!!!!


Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have
into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance,
chaos into order, confusion to clarity.
It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home,
a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past,
brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
– Melody Beattie

Monday, September 28, 2009



Friday, September 25, 2009

ONS HUIS Video - Lights, camera & action

I am happy to share the video I've been telling you about and look forward to hear what you think. Please watch the video - I appreciate your time. Remember to "pay it forward"...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Anyone can purchase ARTWORK at ONSHUIS !!





Johan Beukes English Biography

JOHAN BEUKES - Biography

After Johan Beukes matriculated in 1996 at Bloemfontein Sentraal, he studied Theology at the University of the Freestate. While studying, Johan took a year off to launch his modeling career, which afforded him the opportunity to work with well-known model agency, Storm. A highlight of that year was his invitation by Ford, to visit New York City. Another accomplishment he fondly remembers is his international modeling recognition, which allowed Johan to travel to Barcelona, Europe.

Following an exhilarating year of traveling and modeling, Johan finished his Degree in Theology at University of the Free State. He then proceeded with an Honours Degree in Industrial Psychology at the University of North West and was also accredited at the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Psychometrist. Johan then completed his M-Phil at the University of Johannesburg focusing on Personal and Professional Leadership. Complementing his studies, the Potchefstroom VIP Coaching Institute accredited him as a qualified Life and Business Coach.

At this stage, Johan is busy with his Doctorate Degree in Developmental Psychology with the theme: “Facilitation of Awareness in the choice of a marital partner”. He also focuses on the New Generation group, at Mosaiek where he plays a leadership role and coaches his team to become better and positive leaders. He also enjoys writing and has contributed articles to publications such as, Vrouekeur, Weigh Less, Manna, echurch and Passi. Recently, Johan was chosen as a semi-finalist for the Mr. South Africa 2009 pageant and hopes to make a positive contribution and impact.

Additionally, Johan is involved with the South African Leaders Forum and he is a senior facilitator with the IGUBU-company (reconciliation facilitation on student campuses). He adds value (developing and presenting certain modules) in a mastersprogram for leadership at University of Johannesburg. Johan is passionate about public speaking on topics such as career vs. calling, potential development, career coaching, how to find meaning in your life and many more. He regularly speaks at Mosaiek, women day events, team building sessions, motivational speaking sessions etc.

At home, Johan enjoys spending time with his wife, Huibreth, and likes a good book to relax. He is adventurous as well and enjoys the outdoors.

One of his favourite quotes: “The leader teaches more through Being than through doing. The quality of one’s silence conveys more than long speeches.” – John Heider

Johan Beukes Afrikaans Biografie


“I have often thought that the best way to define a man’s character would be to seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which, when it came upon him, be felt himself deeply and intensively active and alive. At such moments, there is a voice inside which speaks and says, ‘This is the real me.’” – William James

Hy matrikuleer in 1996 te Bloemfontein Sentraal. Na matriek begin hy Teologie by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat studeer. Gedurende sy studentejare neem hy ‘n jaar af om modelwerk te doen. Hierdie geleentheid maak deure oop en bevorder sy modelwerk na internasionale vlak onder andere Europa, Barcelona en word uitgenooi na ‘n Ford in New York. In Suid-Afrika was hy ‘n gunsteling by die welbekende modelagentskap Storm.

Na ‘n opwindende jaar van groot geleenthede en lekker rondrits, handel Johan sy MDiv graad in Teologie af by KOVSIES. Hy studeer verder en verwerf Honneurs in Bedryfsielkunde en word geakkrediteer as ‘n Psigometris by die Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). Daarna voltooi hy sy M-Phil by die Universiteit van Johannesburg (UJ) in Persoonlike en Professionele Leierskap. Die Potchefstroomse VIP Coaching Instituut akkrediteer hom as ‘n gekwalifiseerde Life & Business Coach.

Johan is tans besig met sy doktorsgraad in Opvoedkundige Sielkunde met die tema: Fasilitering van bewussyn in die keuse van `n lewensmaat. Hy is ook die leier van die Mosaiek Nuwe Generasie waarmee hy betrokke is met die ontwikkeling van Nuwe Generasie Leiers en ook versoeningsfasilitering by universiteite. Verder is hy betrokke by die Suid-Afrikaanse Leiersberaad en het onder andere al vir verskeie tydskrifte soos Passi, Vrouekeur, Manna en Weigh Less geskryf. Hy is ook `n skrywer vir die webwerf By die universiteit van Johannesburg is hy betrokke (help met ontwikkeling en aanbieding van modules) by `n meestersgraad in Leierskap. In 2010 is Johan ook aangewys as `n semi-finalis in die immergewilde Mnr Suid-Afrika kompetisie.

Onderwerpe waaroor hy graag gesels:
Leierskap (Persoonlik/Interpersoonlik/Professioneel/Geestelik/Fisieke en Emosionele Leierskap)
Hoe ervaar ek sinvolheid in die lewe?
Nuwe Generasie
Bewussyn in belangrike keuses
Outentiekheid – Om die ware self te ontdek
Beroep vs Roeping
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI Step 1 & 2 – toetse) geakkrediteer
Verhoudings (Voor-huwelik/tydens huwelik)
Bersoepsafrigting (Career Coaching)

Hy was/is te sien;
Spanafrigtingswerkswinkels (Team Coaching)
Persoonlike/Interpersoonlike Leierskapsontwikklingswerkswinkels
Professionele Leierskapsontwikklingswerkswinkels

Nie net is Johan avontuurlustig (en sportief) waar hy die buite lewe geniet nie, hy hou van ‘n goeie boek en geniet dit om in winkelsentrums te ontspan saam met sy vrou Huibreth.

“‘The leader teaches more through Being than through doing. The quality of one’s silence conveys more than long speeches.” – John Heider

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


“‘The leader teaches more through Being than through doing. The quality of one’s silence conveys more than long speeches.” – John Heider


Ons Huis DVD sal vandag of more gereed wees... Sien baie uit!
Vertrou dat ek en ONSHUIS (na MRSA) dit met groot vrug sal kan gebruik...

Monday, September 21, 2009


Mnr. SA-finalis se hart is warm vir sy medemens

Johan Beukes is ’n dominee, motiveringspreker en is onlangs aangewys as een van die 50 semi-finaliste in die Mnr. Suid-Afrika 2010-kompetisie. Hy werk tans as nuwegenerasieleier by die Mosaïek-gemeente in Fairland, Johannesburg, nadat hy hom as ’n tokkelok aan die NG Kerk se kweekskool bekwaam het.

“Dis ongelooflik hoe die kompetisie vir my deure oopmaak en nuwe uitdagings in my lewe teweegbring,” sê hy.
’n Hart vir sy medemens, dié het Johan. Een van die uitdagings wat oor sy pad gekom het, is Ons Huis, ’n tehuis vir gestremdes in Pretoria, en een van die projekte van die Mnr. SA-finaliste.
Bouwerk aan ’n verdere 14 kamers om meer inwoners te akkommodeer, is tans aan die gang. Die finaliste wil ook bewustheid kweek en mense uitdaag om betrokke te raak – hetsy deur dienslewering of geldelike bydraes.

“Ons almal is seker in ’n mate gestrem, want ons is almal gebroke – of dit nou fisiek, emosioneel of verstandelik is,” sê hy. “Dis net makliker om dit raak te sien as dit aan die buitekant sigbaar is. En dit is dié van ons wat as ‘normaal’ beskou word se voorreg om diegene wat nie so bevoorreg is nie by te staan. Ons voel soms ons kan nie meer van onsself gee nie, maar uiteindelik ontvang jy soveel deur betrokke te raak.

“Ek het altyd gedink ek ken onvoorwaardelike liefde, maar ek moes eers by Ons Huis betrokke raak om dit waarlik te kan ervaar. Vir die mense van Ons Huis is jou naam en titel nie belangrik nie. Hulle gee hul liefde en van hulself sonder om vrae te vra oor wie en wat jy is.”
Hy het “vir die lekkerte” besluit om aan Mnr. SA deel te neem. “Die groot trekpleister vir my was die geleentheid om ’n groter invloed op die mense in my omgewing, leiers en die jeug te hê. In die proses het ek wonderlike mense leer ken.”

Deelnemers word beoordeel op grond van hul kreatiewe bemarking en projekbestuur van Ons Huis. “Ons Huis het ook ’n filosofie van gee, omdat ’n tiende van alle inkomste weer onder ander behoeftige organisasies versprei word.“As mens die tehuis eers besoek het, sal jy besef wat jy eintlik in die lewe het. Ons dink soms dit gaan swaar met ons. Maar elke R10-donasie is vir hulle ’n uitkoms.
Ek dink dis deel van ons skeppingsdoel om waarde by te voeg en ’n verskil te maak.”
Sy boodskap is positief en reguit. “Hou op om te kla, kerm en blameer. Begin by jouself en kyk wat jy kan doen om jou, ander mense en ons land se omstandighede te verander. Verskuif jou fokus. Daar is ’n groot groep mense, veral jong mense, wat ’n verskil wil maak. Ek daag hulle uit om betrokke te raak.”

Lesers wat graag ’n donasie wil gee, kan dit in die volgende rekening deponeer: Naam: Ons Huis Trust; bank: Absa; tjekrekeningnommer: 405?4399?011; tak: Moreletapark; takkode: 336 445; verwysing: JB.
Gesels gerus met Johan op sy blog by
Klik hier om die res van die storie te lees...
Klik hier om uit te vind oor hierdie en ander Rapport nuusbrief/we, of verwys-'n-vriend.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Ons Huis Banking Details

Baie dankie dat jy die moeite gedoen het om my BLOG te besoek:
Wil jy nie asb jou netwerke gebruik om ten minste R5000 vir ONSHUIS
te gee nie? - Andersins is jy welkom om te gee waarvan jy in jou hart oortuig

Banking details are as follows:
Account Name: Ons Huis TrustABSA BANK Branch: Moreleta Park Branch Code: 336445Account Number: 4054399011

A clear reference to be provided with payment: MRSA JB

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I want Change!!!


Looking forward to the Editing of the ONSHUIS DVD...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Interview Radio Pulpit

  • Was a privilege to be interviewed on Radio Pulpit, 17h15 today.

Have you found Joy?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Don 17 sEPT 6H15 - dVD sHOOt...early!!!!!


Onvoorwaardelike liefde
is die opsomming van gister se kuier by ONSHUIS...was inspirerend!

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!"Semi-finalists will be required to raise as much funding as possible by using their own skills, initiative and contactsThe closing date for all funds raised is 30 September 2009.All funds raised will be paid directly into the “Ons Huis Trust”
Account:Banking details are as follows:Account Name: Ons Huis TrustABSA BANK Branch: Moreleta Park Branch Code: 336445Account Number: 4054399011A clear reference should be provided with your payment: Johanbeukes and your name.

How to Live...

Postmodern deconstruction waged war against metaphysics and metanarratives. Yet this is the opening line of the “Exordium” in Jacques Derrida’s Spectres of Marx: “Someone, you or me, comes forward and says, ‘I would like to learn to live finally.’”11 How ironic. Toward the end of his life Derrida returned to the subject (after his much touted “death of the subject”), returned to the existential “I” after a lifetime of pooh-poohing presence and the perpendicular, and returned to the theological question of “how to live” and how to “learn to live.” His final testamentary remarks tried to reframe deconstruction as an affirmation of life.
In Derrida’s final interview with Jean Birnbaum, he admits his reversal and his renunciation of deconstruction’s scientific and philosophical prerogatives:I am at war with myself, it’s true, you couldn’t possibly know to what extent, beyond what you can guess, and I say contradictory things that are, we might say, in real tension; they are what construct me, make me live, and will make me die. I sometimes see this war as terrifying and difficult to bear, but at the same time I know that that is life!!

References:Lenoard SweetRamona Fotiade, “Life After Deconstruction,” TLS: Times Literary Supplement, 02 December 2005, 26.Jacques Derrida, Learning to Live Finally: An Interview with Jean Birbaum, trans. Pascale-Anne Brault (Hoboken, NJ: Melville, 2007), 47.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Great Quote

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson