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Monday, March 22, 2010

MRSA Proudly South African

It was a Great Evening... Mr Denver Burns was crowned as MRSA 2010 - Brilliant Guy!!! Thanks for your support...
  • Please have a look at my authenticliving products...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

MRSA Finaal... 10 -13 Maart 2010

Die afgelope twee dae saam met die MNRSA Finaliste was groot pret!!!
Ons het Woensdagoggend 10 Maart by BOMA GASTEHUIS naby Muldersdrift
bymekaar gekom en onmiddelik vertrek na Hekpoort waar ons quadbiking gedoen het... Rudi het amper gegroet. Ek het ook `n mooi foto saam met `n pragtige vark geneem (sal dit later op Blog sit).
Woensdagmiddag het ons geoefen aan Saterdagaand se 'show' - baie FUN gehad...
Daarna het ons vinnig gaan gym - en TOE groot ge(vr)eet Silverstar Casino.
Vroeg gaan slaap...
Donderdagoggend 7h reeds ontbyt geeet (Rudi, Denver en Pieter was 'mal'
genoeg om 5h30 te gaan draf - het iewers gehoor net "`n dwaas hardloop as
niemand hom jaag nie".... )
8h - 12h30 het ons weer aan ons 'show' geoefen en die Huidige MNRSA het
kom inloer en saam geoefen!!!
Die PIZZA by BOMA was bitter lekker...en ons is nou oppad na SILVERSTAR CASINO se SPA...Harde Werk!!!...

Monday, March 8, 2010

MRSA WEBSITE...Johan Beukes

MRSA 2010 must poses of the following:

  • Good looks and a good body
    He must have a great personality and be fun loving
    He must poses of an inner power
    He must be a good public speaker
    He must be intelligent and hard working
    He must have a passion for live.

In short:

He must be a all rounder and a well balanced South African man will be a good ambassador for the South African youth.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

GO to: Mr South Africa main suport page'

Gee asb jou opinie - Please give your opinion

Tell all your friends to go to the facebook group
' Mr South Africa main suport page' and tell us .....
Who will be Mr SA 2010? Just for fun....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

servant leadership

Greenleaf attributed the idea of servant leadership to Herman`s Hesse`s book Journey to the East. The narrator of the story is on a journey with a band of men, looking for enlightment. Leo is the servant who does the group`s menial chores, but who also sustains them with his presence, his spirit and his song. The journey lasts for years and all goes well through all kinds of travail until Leo disappears. The group finds they cannot make it without Leo. They fall into disarray,they become lost, and the narrator almost dies. After years of wondering, the narrator finally finds Leo and is taken to the order that sponsored the journey.

There he (Greenleaf) discovers that Leo, whom he had first known as a servant, was actually the head of the order, its guiding spirit, a great and noble leader. Leo, by the quality of the inner life that was expressed by his presence, had served to lift the group up and make their journey possible.

The essence of leadership, says Greenleaf, is the desire to serve one another and to serve something beyond ourselves (Greenleaf 1977: Chapter 11).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Crowning of Mr South Africa 2010

The crowing of Mr South Africa 2010 will be hosted by Silverstar Casino on Saturday, 13 March 2010.

Tickets can be purhased via Computicket, Shoprite or Checkers.

The official after party will take place at the Basement of the Fashion TV Silverstar and everybody attending the crowinging will receive free entrance to the after party.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Interview with me- MNET SOUNDCHECK - 17 Feb 2010

The Twelve Tenors on Soundcheck Live!The Twelve Tenors have wowed audiences worldwide; having enjoyed sold out tours in London, Dubai, USA and Portugal amongst others. Don't miss them on Soundcheck Live on Wed 17 Feb.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Johan Beukes - Proudly South-African

1. The rand was the best performing currency against the US Dollar
between 2002 and 2005 (Bloomberg Currency Scoreboard)
2. South Africa has 55,000 high net-wealth individuals holding at least
US$1million in financial assets (World Wealth Report 2008)
3. South Africa has the 27th biggest economy in the world, with a Gross
Domestic Product of US$254 billion (World Bank)
4. South Africa accounts for almost 25% of the GDP of the entire African
continent, with an economy more than twice the size of the second biggest –
Algeria. (World Bank)
5. Gauteng is South Africa’s smallest province but produces 34% of South
Africa’s Gross Domestic Product (Stats SA)
6. The JSE Securities Exchange is the 14th largest equities exchange in the
world, with a total market capitalisation of some R2.3 trillion (JSE)
7. More than 12,000 'Black Diamond' families (South Africa’s new black middle
class) - or 50,000 people - are moving from the townships into the
suburbs of South Africa's metro areas every month (UCT Unilever Institute)
8. The black middle class grew by 30% in 2005, adding another 421,000
black adults to SA's middle-income layer and ramping up the black
population's share of SA's total middle class to almost a third. Between 2001
and 2004, there were 300,000 new black entrants to the middle class
(Financial Mail)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mr Bean in Avatar...

Changing the world...

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Interpersonal Leadership Quote

“No leader can hope to lead by standing outside or ignoring the web of relationships through which all work is accomplished
- Margaret Wheatly

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Article in Today Magazine Dec 2009

I can send you the full article if you comment with your email address.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Prosperous 2010 for all!!!!!

Morgans Bay - We had a fun time with family and friends... Stunning view!!